[. . . ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Product. Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Parts. of. the. Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] wearing. hearing. aids. set. to. "T". mode. . (The. "T". mode. is. only. found. on. hearing. aids. equipped. with. a. telecoil. ("T". coil). feature). . This. phone. includes. a. special. "T-coil". mode. that, . when. activated, . reduces. the. magnetic. noise. generated. by. the. handset. . To. activate. the. "T-coil". mode. perform. the. following. steps. on. your. handset: ) Press. the. MENU. soft. key. . Note:. Using. the. T-coil. feature. may. shorten. your. battery's. talk. time, . please. set. to. off. when. not. using. this. feature. T-coil. (Handset. only) 4 To. locate. a. misplaced. handset, . press. [flash/find handset] key. on. the. base. when. the. phone. is. in. standby. . All. registered. handsets. will. beep. for. 60. seconds, . and. PAGING. appears. on. the. handset. display. . To. cancel. paging, . press. any. key. on. the. found. handset. or. press. [flash/find handset] key. on. the. base. . Note:. If. the. battery. pack. is. completely. drained, . the. handset. will. not. beep. when. paging. Finding. a. Lost. Handset Using. Hold, . Conference. and. Transfer Placing. a. Call. on. Hold ) 2) During. a. call, . press. [int'com/hold]. to. place. the. caller. on. hold. . If. you. leave. a. caller. on. hold. for. more. than. ten. To. return. to. the. party. on. hold, . press. [ /flash]. or. [ ]. on. a. handset. or. [ ]. on. the. base. . The. phone. will. return. to. the. holding. party. . Note: · You. can. only. place. a. caller. on. hold. for. 5. minutes. . Once. 5. minutes. has. passed, . that. party's. line. will. be. disconnected. and. the. phone. will. return. to. standby. · While. a. call. is. on. hold, . Caller. ID. and. Call. Waiting. cannot. be. received. Conferencing If. you. have. more. than. one. handset, . up. to. four. people. can. participate. in. a. conference. call. . A. four-way. conference. call. consists. of. an. outside. line, . two. handsets, . and. the. base. speakerphone. . You. can. easily. join. a. call. already. in. progress. . ) Press. [ /flash]. or. [ ]. on. the. handset. or. [ ]. on. the. base. to. join. the. call. . 2) To. hang. up, . return. the. handset. to. the. cradle. or. press. [ ]. on. the. handset. or. [ ]. on. the. base. . The. other. party. will. still. be. connected. to. the. call. 42 Transferring. a. Call Hold/Transfer You. can. transfer. a. call. from. one. station. to. another. Handset #2 BACK DELETE OK 2) Use. [ ]. or. [ ]. to. select. the. station. you. want. to. transfer. the. call. to, . then. press. the. The. call. will. automatically. be. placed. on. hold, . and. a. paging. tone. sounds. . To. cancel. the. transfer, . press. [ /flash]. 3) When. another. station. accepts. the. transferred. call, . your. call. will. be. disconnected. . If. you. want. to. rejoin. the. call, . press. [ /flash]. or. [ ]. on. the. handset. or. [ ]. on. the. base. again. When. a. station. receives. a. call. transfer, . it. sounds. a. paging. tone. and. shows. the. ID. of. the. station. that. is. paging. . To. accept. the. call. transfer:. ) Press. [ /flash], . [int'com/hold], . or. the. ANSWER. soft. key. from. the. handset. (or. [int'com/hold], . [ ], . or. . 2) To. speak. to. the. caller, . press. [ /flash]. on. the. receiving. handset. or. [ ]. on. the. base. If you have multiple handsets, only the first handset to answer the transfer page will be connected to the call. If the transfer. page. is. not. picked. up. within. one. minute, . the. operation. will. be. canceled. Answering. a. Transferred. Call. 43 Using. Special. Features Do. Not. Disturb. (All. Calls) DND. allows. you. to. mute. the. ringer. of. all. registered. handsets. and. the. base. . With. the. phone. in. standby, . press. and. You will hear a confirmation tone and the dnd. LED. illuminates. . To. cancel, . press. [dnd]. again. . [. . . ] using. your. cordless. telephone. may. not. be. private. 78 Important:. conversion kits, subassemblies, or any configurations not sold by. Uniden, . (C). improperly. installed, . (D). serviced. or. repaired. by. warranty. is. in. effect, . warrantor. will. either, . at. its. option, . repair. or. IMPLIED. OR. ARISING. BY. OPERATION. OF. LAW, One. Year. Limited. Warranty I N C L U D I N G , . [. . . ]